Bob Hope’s Overseas Christmas Tours: Around the World with the Troops : 1941-1972 – 1980

bhuso source, two  Al Jolson, Alan Shepard, Andy Williams, Anita Bryant, Ann-Margret, Anna Maria Alberghetti, Bette Davis, Betty Grable, Bing Crosby, Bob Hope, Carole Lombard, Carroll Baker, Charley Pride, Charo, Clark Gable, Danny Kaye, Dinah Shore, Dolores Hope, Dorothy Provine, Erin O’Brien, Frances Langford, Fred Astaire, Gina Lollobrigida, Ginger Rogers, Hedda Hopper, Henry Fonda, Humphrey Bogart, Jack Benny, Jack Jones, James Cagney, James Mason, James Stewart, Janis Paige, Jayne Mansfield, Jerry Colonna, Jimmy Durante, Joey Heatherton, Johnny Bench, Judy Garland, Lana Turner, Lola Falana, Lucille Ball, Marilyn Monroe, Marlene Dietrich, Mickey Hargitay, Mickey Mantle, Neil Armstrong, Randy Jones, Raquel Welch, Redd Foxx, Roosevelt Grier, Rosey Grier, The Village People, Ursula Andress, Vic Damone, Vida Blue, William Holden, Zsa Zsa Gabor

The Bob Hope Vietnam Christmas Show – 1966

bhvcm1966 source, two, three, four  Anita Bryant, Billy Graham, Bob Hope, Cardinal Spellman, Carroll Baker, Chris Noel, Diana Shelton, Diane McBain, Diane Shelton, Dolores Hope, Francis Cardinal Spellman, Joey Heatherton, Johnny Grant, Korean Kittens, Les Brown, Les Brown and His Band of Renown, Phyllis Diller, Reita Faria, The Korean Kittens, Tippi Hedren, Vic Damone

The Bob Hope Christmas Show – 1966

bob-hope source, two, three  Anita Bryant, Bob Hope, Cardinal Spellman, Carroll Baker, Diana Lynn Batts, Eddie Fisher, Francis Cardinal Spellman, Jack Jones, Jerry Colonna, Joey Heatherton, John Bubbles, Johnny Grant, Kaye Stevens, Les Brown, Martha Raye, Peter Leeds, The Nicholas Bros., The Nicholas Brothers

The Bob Hope Show: The Bob Hope Christmas Special – 1965

bob-hope source, two, three, four  Anita Bryant, Ann Sidney, Anna Maria Alberghetti, Bob Hope, Janis Paige, Jerry Colonna, Jill St. John, John Bubbles, Les Brown, Les Brown and His Band of Renown, Peter Leeds, Tony Hope