Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer: The Movie – 1998

20121002185524!Poster_of_the_movie_Rudolph_the_Red-Nosed_Reindeer source  Alec Willows, Antoine Auger, Bob Newhart, Cathy Weseluck, Christopher Gray, Colin Murdock, Cosma Shiva Hagen, David Kaye, Debbie Reynolds, Dirk Galuba, Edgar Fruitier, Elisabeth Lenormand, Elizabeth Carol Savenkoff, Eric Idle, Eric Pospisil, Garry Chalk, Gerd Vespermann, Jim Byrnes, Joël Legendre, John Goodman, Kathleen Barr, Lee Tockar, Matt Hill, Myriam Sirois, Nina Hagen, Paul Dobson, Reinhard Brock, Richard Simmons, Terry Klassen, Thomas Fritsch, Tristano Casanova, Tyler Thompson, Udo Wachtveitl, Vanessa Morley, Whoopi Goldberg, Wolfgang Völz

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