Lost Holiday: The Jim & Suzanne Shemwell Story – 2007

  source  Aaron Pearl, Alex Arsenault, Barb Mitchell, Brian Martell, Brooklynn Proulx, David Haysom, Dylan Walsh, Jacey Kenny, Jami Gertz, Joe Norman Shaw, Judith Buchan, Julia Maxwell, Rainer Kahl, Shae Keebler, Val Pearson

Undercover Christmas – 2003

mja5w source  Alexandra Harvey, Anne Hawthorne, Brian Copping, Cameron Bancroft, Chad Nobert, Darren Lucas, Diana Chaplin, Jami Gertz, Joe Norman Shaw, Paul Dunphy, Rainer Kahl, Rod Heatheringston, Rod Heatherington, Sandra Redmond, Shawn Christian, Stephen Hair, Tim Koetting, Tom Carey, Tom Rooney, Tyne Daly, William S. Taylor, Winston Rekert

12 Men of Christmas – 2009

DVD12men source  Aaron Abrams, Angela DeCorte, Anna Chlumsky, Brendan Hunter, Briana Lowe, Brittany Hall, Carrie Colak, Chantal Perron, Craig Eldridge, Erin Dilly, Frank Chiesurin, Greg Cox, Heather Hanson, Jefferson Brown, Jerry Callaghan, Jessie Pavelka, Joe Norman Shaw, Josh Hopkins, Kristin Chenoweth, Lynley Hall, Marianne Muellerleile, Mark Bellamy, Matt Embry, Monice Peter, Norman Fessler, Paul Christie, Paul Constable, Peter Mooney, Philip Fullon, Roberta Mauer-Phillips, Ryan Northcott, Skerivet Daramola, Stacey Zurburg, Stephan Dubeau, Stephen Huszar, Vanessa Holmes